In an age where more and more government proceedings are being aired live, episodes like this are almost inevitable:
This man is offering his support for a San Francisco city supervisor with an impromptu a cappella rendition of Madonna\’s \”Borderline.\” You just know his stoned buddies are sitting at home, pointing at the TV, and laughing their asses off.
I\’ve always wondered why more fraternities don\’t require their pledges to show up at state legislative hearings to testify on some random bill while wearing giant Borat-style mustaches. Now with WisconsinEye, there will be a record of it for their kids to enjoy someday. (I am not suggesting this, just wondering aloud why it doesn\’t happen. And I would absolutely find it funny every time.) You\’d be amazed at how many serious people waste the Legislature\’s time at hearings – they might enjoy a little comedy from time to time. also has a list of the \”Most Insane Public Access Moments\” in TV history. Or at least that have been caught on YouTube. Some of them are classics – but help yourself to clips such as \”Goth Public Access\” and \”Speak Out With Ken Sander\” (strong language warning).
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