I know, I know – we’re all sick of hearing about Tommy Thompson and whether he’s going to run for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Russ Feingold.  I will continue to say he’s out until he’s not.

But IN THE EVENT he’s in, a friend of mine in the legislature passed on a suggestion about how he should do it:

It’s May 22, 2010, at the Republican state convention in Milwaukee.  After all the candidate speeches, Senate frontrunner Terrence Wall strides up to the podium to raucous applause.  The crowd settles to a hush, and Wall begins his speech.  He speaks softly at points, and occasionally builds to a crescendo.  Finally, at the end of his speech, he’s ready to accept the party’s nomination.  At the top of his voice, he shouts…


Then, in mid-sentence, some loud music starts to play, interrupting Terrence Wall’s speech.  Someone from the from the Winnebago County delegation yells “WAIT – ISN’T THAT TOMMY THOMPSON’S MUSIC?”